Monday, February 22, 2010

Mardi Gras coming to Sydney!

Well it's only a few short (still heatstruck) days until the Mardi Gras parade in Sydney ... and what a kerfuffle! There's more people in the gyms, a lot more tourists out and about soaking up the sun and the atmosphere, and a definite buzz in the air!

Mind you, it might just be living within 100m of the parade route that means I'm probably more susceptible to the excitement...

So as a service to those in the parade, attending the parade or any of the numerous parties around this time  - straight or gay, boy or girl - here's a couple of tips to keep yourself fresh and fabulous in February :)

Know when your parties are on,  when work is on, and how much sleep and rest you can afford in between. Yes it is well known that after a big party weekend there is very little in the way of productive work done, but you still don't want to be ticking through your month like a zombie (even if it's a zombie in a Herringbone shirt).

Sleep and Rest
7-8 hours a night sleep please - at a minimum! Exercise, brain function, sanity, energy ... all these things will drop nastily the less sleep you have. Make up lost time in the sack (and by this, I'm counting sleeping hours...!) with naps, extra long sleeps before and after the party.
Rest I classify differently to sleep, and differently to sitting on a sidewalk aimlessly staring at things whilst you try to remember where you are. My version of rest is something you really enjoy doing that either relaxes you, takes your mind somewhere else enjoyable, or makes you laugh. I'm not even going to begin to outline the benefits of taking in some proper "rest" time. Just do it !

Fancy me talking about exercise .. here of all places (!) Exercise in the weeks leading up to, and after the party will have you looking and feeling your best.
If you've been aiming to look good this season you will have been doing at least some cardio and resistance exercise for a few weeks - kudos to you! The good news is you get to keep it up! Have a day off exercise before the party (no such thing as lasting "party pump" I'm afraid -it's just muscle wasting waiting to happen) and maybe the day after - but no more than that.

If you manage to feel a bit hazy after your frivolity finishes, get thee back to the gym again tout de suite! You'll feel at least a hundred bucks after your first workout back, and back to normal again within a further one or two.

I can't stress this enough - eat! Good food and drink will ensure you stay fuelled for your best performance yet.
* Eat often (every 3-4 waking hours)
* Something with even a small amount of protein (~10-20g) in it each time you eat (aids satiety, keeping you feeling satisfied, and helps keep your body's nitrogen balance up for muscle repair)
* Eat as close to natural foods as possible (fruits especially berries, nuts and seeds, salads, unprocessed meats, milk, grains)
* Keep meals small, especially close to bedtimes.

Water water everywhere, so no excuse not to drink! 8-12 glasses of fluid a day, and a little more when exercising (read: dancing on a float or in a party!) and when it's hot ... basically whenever you notice you sweat or pee more.

Have fun!
Having friends around, meeting new people and being part of an electric atmosphere - these are some of the best times  that life throws at you, so lap it up and enjoy every minute! I may rant sometimes but keeping bodily health up during this time is going to be the key to you having the very best time :)

1 comment:

  1. You could start a revolution! Happy, healthy and safe partying all you Mardi Gras participants.
