Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pros and Cons of Muscle

Besides making a guy look great, muscles have some health benefits that you won’t often find discussed at the gym. Good muscle tone is essential to a healthy body because muscles are our main metabolic furnaces. This is where those excess fats and carbohydrates go to burn. That means your body not only looks great, you feel great as well, because things are working the way they were designed.

This means that having good quality muscle tone creates higher metabolism, more energy, and better overall hormone balance. But how do you get and maintain strong, healthy muscle tone in a day and age where most of us sit in front of a computer all day?

In just a hundred years, our entire society has gone from a rural agrarian community to a fast-paced city lifestyle. If you lived a hundred years ago, you would have been born on a farm where your dad would have expected you to start helping out by the age of 6 or 8 years old. Mornings begin early on a farm and your duties might include milking a cow, gathering eggs or walking behind a plow.

Boys grew into men at an early age and their bodies developed nicely from all those natural daily chores like baling hay and cleaning out the barn. Oh, for the good ole days! Today’s activities range from running up to your favorite fast-food joint for a burger to answering dozens of emails and posting to your Facebook account. There’s really no physical strength required unless you count lifting your full-pound cheeseburger to your mouth.

Good health, including muscle building, requires some concerted efforts and your gym is a great place to start. With the help of an experienced trainer, you can zero in on the areas that are most critical for you. Within a few short months, you can look in the mirror and like what you see. Your clothes start looking sharp on you. Your friends ask if you’ve been working out.

In spite of the information age and the mountain of technology available today, it still takes good old hard work to get your body in shape and keep it there. If there were a quick short cut, then somebody would have already discovered it and be a zillionaire. But the quest to achieve an excellent physique or a “hard body” is well worth your time and effort. The results can mean a longer and much more healthy lifestyle as well.

When your body is strong and healthy, it fights off disease better and functions at its highest levels. Today’s personal trainer has a much greater understanding of the science behind effective exercise and muscle building programs. So what are you waiting for? Get down to the gym and start building your confidence and self-esteem, along with some good-looking muscles.

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